Ayurveda And Breast Health

The goal of Ayurveda is to promote balance of spiritual, psychological, and physical health.   Ayurveda is the world’s oldest holistic science and is helpful today in understanding the causes of high rates of abnormal cancerous cellular changes in the American female population. According to Ayurveda: -The precursor for breast imbalances is the accumulation of “ama” or…


As a female I don’t remember being told I had to be strong, I had to have courage. I also don’t think my brothers were told that either ,but perhaps it is more expected in males. It was quite the opposite. I was raised by a mother who promoted the ” good girl’ behavior, the…

Ayurvedic Cleanse

Kitchari Cleanse Ayurveda, the sister science to yoga, holds many rituals suited for today’s lifestyle. For example, did you know ” intermittent fasting” stemmed from Ayurvedic practices? Eating an early dinner around 6pm and not eating until the morning is recommended for better detoxification at night, improved digestion and easeful sleep. Detoxifying practices such as…

Building Ojas

Who doesn’t strive for more vim and vigor in their lives? The Sanskrit term for this quality is ” ojas”.  When we have strength, happiness, and good immunity we are likely having good ojas. What are some signs of good ojas? Glowing skin, a sparkle in the eyes, ample energy, no aches and pains, mental…