All Things Rose

Dear friends, When we receive a bouquet of roses we are touched in the heart. Both the giver and receiver are gifted and uplifted. Isn’t that true? The qualities of rose is an apt conversation for the summer as the properties of rose are – cooling, moisturizing and soothing. Yes both for the heart/emotions as well as having a nourishing…

The Power of Words

Dear friends, The power of mantras (from last week’s blog) is really the power of words. Your words also have a vibration. I’m beginning to become insightful about the power of my words as they create certain perceptions! At the same time, I find Sandra Ingerman, world reknowned shaman writing about this in her monthly blog…

Mung Bean Pancakes

Dear friends, I learned of a great way to use split mung beans and I’d like to share it with you! We know it’s used in kitchari but another way these beans can be used is in…. pancakes. Who doesn’t like a pancake or crepe ,filled with greens or veggies in this particular form? Be creative…

Morning Skin Care Routine

Morning Skin Care Routine

Toffee chupa chups tart carrot cake muffin brownie croissant sweet roll caramels. Donut donut jujubes macaroon soufflé shortbread sweet roll ice cream. Donut pie gummies chocolate cake lollipop. Toffee brownie macaroon halvah muffin apple pie gummi bears marzipan. Bonbon biscuit gingerbread gummi bears halvah. Pudding sweet gummi bears cheesecake wafer pie shortbread croissant. Macaroon liquorice…

Marma Points for Awareness and Alertness

Dear friends, It’s been some time since I’ve written. Holidays have gone by, a new year has begun. So much energy has been spent. Marma point therapy is an ancient Ayurvedic pressure point healing modality that clears blocks energetically from the body, mind and consciousness. It increases vitality, energy flow and enhances the skin/antiaging. Marma…