Heal your Digestive System- A Look into the Past

Many people who I see  are suffering from digestive disturbances which manifest in a number of ways; burning sensations, gas, bloating, heaviness after meals, tired after eating ,low energy, bad complexion, poor resistance to disease and poor circulation. Some other common complaints are constipation, loose stools and hemorrhoids, to name just a few!!   Wow, is this what’s…


  Since my purpose is to talk about moving toward a more “wholesome” understanding of health, let’s look at  the ‘chakras”.In other words ‘wheels of light”. This not woowoo stuff we are talking about here but the ‘electromagnetic field” that is generated by these spinning chakras more related to science than i can possibly describe in…

My blog

This blog  will talk about ‘health’ from a wholesome perspective coming from the inside out not the outside in.  It will include understanding of the chakras and how they relate to the entire system… the endocrine system ( hormonally), the nervous sytem and the brain. It will offer an authentic way to explore your health…