Ayurvedic Tips to Beat the Winter Blahs

Ayurveda, an integrative and preventative science dating back 3,000 to 5,000 years, teaches us that our bodies are composed of a combination of the elements: Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Ether.  Any imbalance in these elements can cause disturbances in our health and well-being. Being in harmony with nature both within and without is at the core of Ayurvedic philosophy.


Winter with it’s long dark days, cold and windy weather can cause heaviness in the mind and body leading to feelings of depression and general ‘blahs”. Winter colds , flus and sinus congestion are just some of the body’s experiences of this season.  Here are some tips from Ayurveda to beat the “winter  blahs”.

Learn more about Staying Healthy in the Winter with Ayurveda in our January class. See below for details.


  • Avoid cold, raw or dry foods, as the body craves more moisture and density in winter. Try eating mostly heavier cooked foods, such as hearty soups and stews, using pungent spices such as cinnamon, mustard seed, pepper and cayenne. Avoid dairy, sweet and oily foods as they cause congestion.
  • Peppermint, eucalyptus, cinnamon and ginger are wonderful scents to stimulate dormant energy.
  • Keep your home well lit with natural light bulbs including keeping a fireplace lit when home.  This will ease mental inertia.
  • Specific yoga poses and pranayama( breathing exercises) also can help to bring a bit of joy.  Inversions in particular and back bends elevate energy and change perspective.  Heated and flow yoga are good to increase the fire within.  Kapalabhati, or breath of fire, immediately invigorates the mind, body and spirit.
  • Lubricating the sinuses  with” nasya oil” prevents bacteria from invading. Nasya oil is a blend of sesame, eucalyptus with other anti-bacterial herbs. Put 3-4 drops in each nostril upon waking. We carry “nasya oil” at ACHIM supplement store.
  • Personally I like to make more art, write, and do some in home decorating. Yoga classes keep me feeling light and flexible. Winter is a great time to indulge in a hobby you always wanted to try; find your truth.
  • Try a “Marma “ session  at ACHIM. It is not only deeply relaxing but goes beyond the physical body ;nourishing the spirit and miraculously changing ones’ perspective on life. Read ‘testimonials” @ www.gedaliahhealingarts.com


 To learn more about Ayurveda and You:

Begin with “The Ayurvedic Sampler “ Package- Three 50 minute sessions that will help you get started with the simple things that make a big difference.

New Patient Special-  $250 through December


rongoli diwali



Photo taken in Pune, India Dec.2012 by Gedalia at doorstep of apartment on the festival of Diwali.