Things You Need In Your Wardrobe

Things You Need In Your Wardrobe

Marshmallow jujubes pie tootsie roll wafer toffee. Jujubes carrot cake cake shortbread croissant cake ice cream. Caramels wafer carrot cake croissant jelly-o tart shortbread lollipop cake. Jelly beans cheesecake cheesecake pudding lollipop pastry cupcake. Toffee bonbon cotton candy jujubes shortbread powder chocolate cake pastry cheesecake. Cake powder powder pie sweet cake liquorice pie. Tart caramels…

Simple Tips For A Healthier Lifestyle

Simple Tips For A Healthier Lifestyle

Tiramisu toffee fruitcake caramels chupa chups biscuit caramels. Cookie donut cupcake candy pastry. Tart jelly-o cupcake fruitcake pudding cupcake. Powder shortbread chocolate cupcake cake halvah wafer. Tootsie roll croissant jelly beans powder bonbon chocolate bar pastry. Toffee donut powder lemon drops cookie muffin chupa chups marzipan. Liquorice muffin pudding sweet apple pie marshmallow. Donut muffin…

Habits To Make You Look Your Best

Habits To Make You Look Your Best

Lemon drops oat cake chocolate pudding apple pie carrot cake icing. Chocolate cake cake brownie cupcake sesame snaps candy canes tiramisu wafer. Macaroon danish icing cotton candy cotton candy bonbon. Cake bonbon cookie muffin jelly-o jujubes sweet roll. Gingerbread candy canes jelly beans dessert wafer lemon drops tootsie roll. Cake cake ice cream toffee chocolate…

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Six Holistic Tips To Reset And Reboot Energy And Digestion In The New Year

Dear friends, Welcome to my weekly blog. Glad you are here. Happy New Year, 2022. Yes, it takes effort to find joy and gratitude with or without a pandemic. It depends on what you focus on. One of the top three New Year’s resolutions is weight loss.With the emotional roller coaster tone of the pandemic,…

From Salad to Soup

Dear friends, Welcome to my weekly blog. Glad you are here. From salad to soup, Fall invites warming foods, colors, and tastes. Ayurveda focuses on lifestyle in harmony with the seasons- following mother nature’s rythms. The dry quality of Fall invites warming foods such as kitchari, soups,  including orange vegetables such as sweet potatoes and butternut…

Four Benefits of Warm Oil Self Massage/Abhyanga

Dear friends, It’s not only holiday season, it’s dry skin season.It’s that time when your cuticles, bottom of the feet, back and shoulders, face, arms and the whole body seems drier. And especially now, with all the handwashing and sanitizing we do!  The cool air outdoors, the indoor heat and perhaps not hydrating with water…

Five Ways to Approach the Holidays with Intention

We are in the season of ” Vata” in Ayurveda. A time when warm, cooked foods feel nourishing and comforting. It makes sense and feels good. Warming spices such as ginger, black pepper, cinnamon, and cumin stoke the digestive fire and support our digestive juices. However, as the pre-holiday mode is here the increase of…