Ayurvedic Tips and Reminders- What’s in a beet?

Dear friends,

To attempt to see the bigger picture it takes trust, faith, and the strength to move forward in any given situation.  We are multidimensional beings as women- try not to get caught in one perspective. When you find yourself gripping your thoughts about something and they are making you feel aggravated practice dropping the story- for even a minute- watch how freeing it is.( see below in flower notes).

Ayurvedic Tip for the week– A very seasonal, colorful, superfood in my opinion that nature provides in the Spring season are “beets”. When I think of beets I think of “liver cleansing” which  goes with the Ayurvedic theme of Spring- but here are five more amazing benefits:

  1. Beets are a heart healthy food, high in fiber, dilating blood vessels and allowing for more oxygen flow!
  2. Lowers blood pressure.
  3. Immune boosting Vit C food.
  4. Promotes healthy nerves and muscles.
  5. Lastly, it is nature’s aphrodisiac– the ancient Romans were the first to use it to increase sex hormones.

To cook, boil with peels until soft. Remove from pot, let cool. Peel with fingers and slice into chunks or cubes- drizzle with olive oil, pink salt and pepper. They can be used over salad or by themselves- top with feta cheese or goat cheese if you eat dairy.

Try to eat beets at least a few times a week while they are in season! You’ll reap the benefits!

Reminder- Join me this Sunday at lululemon Perimeter Mall 11-12pm for an interactive Ayurveda experience. No reservation necessary- bring a friend or family member.

Sama- Food for Balance is opening in a few weeks in Buckhead- the first ayurvedic eatery in town- stay tuned for consult availability there along with lunch and learns. Can’t wait! There will also be a meditation room there..Thank you, Shannon.

warm regards,

Gedalia Genin
