Ayurvedic Tips and Reminders

Aryurveda Circle Logo_FINALYour creative channel are the things that inspire you and make your soul happy. They are what makes YOU feel alive and whole. They are not necessarily what you do for work but for your own heart’s delight.  For me it’s about color; in various forms, textures and in shapes of flowers , design and painting. I’m even inspired by the colors and shapes in a furniture store. What is it for you?

Ayurveda teaches that balance can be found when we pay conscious attention/awareness to our senses. In this case “seeing” the glory and newness of nature in Spring can be totally uplifting. As you see and delight in this beauty in your daily life it becomes a part of your being.  Let yourself SMILE . Don’t just stop there when you look at it but breathe it into your entire being allowing nature to be an example for us of newness, wonder, and changeability.

So speaking of color, here’s a recipe I made tonight inspired by the colors of spices.

In a bowl I put five teaspoons tumeric, five teaspoons cumin, five teaspoons ginger, five teaspoons coriander, two teaspoons pink salt, two teaspoons black pepper and 1/2 tsp smoked paprika. Mixed it all together.

Washed and dried chicken breasts- squeezed lemon on top then dipped the chicken breasts in the spice mixture- front and back. Put in baking tray with some chicken broth- pitted kalimato olives and marinated artichoke hearts ( from Trader Joes). Then put in hot oven preheated at 450 degrees for about fifteen to twenty minutes. Upon serving squeezed another fresh lemon on top.20150323_225115432_iOS (1)

Already had boiled beets yesterday so today just peeled them, sliced them and drizzled with olive oil, red wine vinegar, fresh thyme, sliced red onion and touch of maple syrup, salt and pepper to taste.

“How easy is that”as Ina Garten ( Barefoot Contessa) always says!

FIVE TASTES were present!! My husband had the “bitter” taste which makes SIX as he added an arugula salad to his beets.

It was very  light ,simple and satisfying. The leftover spices are in a container for next time.

Wishing you a wonder-ful week. I encourage you to ignite your passion in whatever simple ways that are meaningful to you. At the end of the day, your joy are the things YOU give value to.

Please check my website for upcoming classes and events @www.gedaliahhealingarts.com

and please “like” my Gedaliah Healing Arts Facebook page and share with your friends and family.

with warm regards,

Gedalia Genin

Ayurvedic Health Specialist







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