Ayurvedic Tips and Reminders

Dear friends,

With the onslaught of excess and rich foods from the holiday celebrations, you may be feeling bloated, constipated or downright uncomfortable in your clothes. Is this true for you? Rituals around food are part of its celebratory nature- (no guilt intended). In New York Times article “Rituals Make Your Own Food More Flavorful-Catherine Saint Louis writes-“We all have our food rituals- from splitting apart the Oreo cookie to folding a pizza slice”. We each delight in our own idiosyncratic food rituals, many from childhood, be it licking the sides of an ice cream cone before it melts or twirling spaghetti onto a fork before taking a bite. It turns out that taking pleasure in food and receiving optimal nourishment from food, are linked. ( excerpt from “Enough Drugs! I am A Woman and Can heal Naturally- a practical guide to feeling your best.

So hopefully you have enjoyed your holiday food!

What can you do now for the discomfort this may have caused in your stomach from the holiday festivities?

These are three simple tips to alleviate bloating and gas:


  1.  Begin by eating less. A day of soups such as chicken soup with vegetables, kitchari or ginger carrot soup can be a source of “sweet” and comforting food. If you live locally and don’t cook Goldberg’s makes a tasty chicken soup along with a variey of soups at Cafe West in Buckhead and Sama for the kitchari. Souper Jenny’s also has a take-out area for hearty, delicious soups. Kichari is an Ayurvedic soup made of split mung beans, basmati rice, vegetables, and spices – considered an easily digestible food, perfect for cleansing and nourishing at the same time. Ayurveda promotes warm, cooked food in winter for the simple reason of staying warm and hydrated.
  2. Try applying “fennel” oil -2 drops on your feet or abdomen with a carrier oil. If you don’t have fennel oil you can chew on fennel seeds which can be purchased at any natural market. Some good sources for essential oils are Young Living, Mountain Rose, Nature’s Gifts. fennel seeds and oil have anti-inflammatory properties that support gut health.
  3. Drink a cup of fresh ginger tea made with peeled ginger chunks- simply boil the peeled ginger in water for about five minutes. I like to add a cinnamon stick.Ginger has a very long history of use in various forms of traditional/alternative medicine. It has been used to help digestion, reduce nausea and help fight the flu and common cold, to name a few. Green tea, with its high antioxidant count, has anti-inflammatory benefits aids in weight loss, swelling, and bloat. These substances can reduce the formation of free radicals in the body, protecting cells and molecules from damage. These free radicals are known to play a role in aging and all sorts of diseases.

While you might be planning for a radical cleanse or weight loss plan in 2018 there’s no better time than now, to begin with, simple daily rituals that will enhance the quality of your daily life and health.

( The causes of bloating might have deeper implications such as candida growth in the gut, constipation, hormonal imbalances, inability to digest proteins, and a sedentary lifestyle). If your symptoms do not disappear within a few days see your integrative doctor or come in for a One-hour Holistic Stress Management session with Gedalia -on Special this month- normally $175 NOW $125.

Check out my recently published article in Ayurveda Mantra magazine on Time.


Save the Dates

Wednesday, Jan. 31st 7 pm light food and refreshments at Centre Spring MD 1401 Dresden Drive – join us for fun book signing event and great raffles and prizes. Bring your family and friends to this event.

Saturday, Feb 10th 12-3pm Topaz Gallery Buckhead Learn about the power of gemstones for healing in this beautiful  jewelry art gallery. Refreshments and snacks served.

Talk next year,


PS. If you’ve already read my new book ” Enough Drugs! I am A Woman and Can Heal Naturally- a practical guide to feeling your best and you feel inclined to write a review on Amazon please do. It helps spread the tools to other women inspiring them to rethink how they live their lives with or without dependence on medications.

And if you find this blog helpful please share with your friends and family.


