Ayurvedic Tips and Reminders- “Just Ten Minutes”

Dear friends,g spring_opt

So many distractions, so many things to do, so many temptations to stay plugged into the “outside” world. Quiet time is a commodity.

Here’s how you can reclaim it;                                                               ” JUST TEN MINUTES”

When my kids were growing up, I spent a little time before they came home from school to put my feet up, have a cup of tea, apply some essential oils, meditate and sometimes do my “toning the chakras” CD. This was so restorative for me; especially with my “vata’ nature”. I learned how to pause , regroup and take care of myself before the night time activities began.

Still today,  although my children are grown up I take time to be still, reflect, listen to my inner voice , have a cup of tea, apply some oils and listen to the birds . In that quiet I receive guidance and messages. I know you understand. This is truly a sacred time for me.

So please join me in this daily ritual … “just take ten minutes” and reconnect with yourself! I promise what you will  discover will be very beneficial.

A few tea tips for this season:  nettles, dandelion…. cumin, coriander, fennel combo always good for the gut

How is this Ayurvedic? Its about honoring your own nature.

(PS. This phrase started as a joke with a dear friend who teased me when I gave her directions somewhere.. she’d say “only ten minutes”? ) yes Michelle, it’s still true.


Facebook Friday Essential Oil Tip

Tuesday March 29th

7pm @ Atlanta Center For Holistic Medicine

Essential Oils For Spring- learn how to use, diffuse and wear essential oils!!

1401 dresden drive

rsvp ally@atlantaholisticmedicine.com  space is limited so reserve now

Wise Women’s Weekend with Inner Smile Yoga April 9-10th

I will be speaking on Sunday  Flyer will be posted soon on facebook


Gedalia Genin

” transforming women’s emotional health using natural modalities”