Ayurvedic Tips and Reminders- Who Knew?

Dear friends,

Who knew there would be potholes along the way?Child walking out through rock tunnel stock photo

Some big, some small, some bumps, some crashes, … this seems to be the nature of living in a human body. Whoever you are , wherever you live; pain, sorrow, grief, loss, gain, joy, sadness, disappointment, are emotions we all feel.

The real question is how do move through these emotions without getting stuck in one perspective?

Ayurveda has some answers. From meditation to sound, to colors , tastes, essential oils, herbs and proper breathing, Marma points; balancing the five senses is one big piece. The little things you do each day that make a big difference over time are the real gems of what I love to share with women in regard to Ayurveda. I know this well from my personal experiences practicing over 25 years. Through the death of my brother , the pain of a lost childhood, other losses and gains, I found the strength to carry on through Ayurvedic practices with the core of my being in tact. Like the eye of the hurricane, these practices strengthen our real core.

Remember; consciousness and pure awareness is our body’s energetic chemistry and forms the basis of our  health; touching this regularly  allows a human life to transform. I can attest to that!

Perhaps the potholes only appear as potholes but is it that they are guiding us deeper into our very own being? Who knows ..didn’t the Egyptians find hi·er·o·glyph·ics there? Don’t gemstones come from the depth of the earth?

Beautiful Egyptian Papyrus stock photo

Read my recently published article on the mind in. Everyday Ayurveda


Drop stock photo

I invite you to join me for an upcoming Spring and Essential Oils class Tuesday March 29th 7pm @   Learn how to mix, match, and wear oils for spring allergies… don’t miss out! Special discounts offered to class attendees only.

Centre Spring MD. ( formerly ATL CTR for Holistic Medicine

1401 Dresden Drive

Atlanta 3039

rsvp as SPACE IS LIMITED  aedge@centrespringmd.com  and please if you sign up, cancel if you cannot make it as we only have limited seating at the practice.


Wise Woman’s Weekend Summit

Click HERE for Information on Wise Woman’s Weekend Summit – Self Care in the Wisdom Years April 9-10th in Alpharetta. Details also at Gedalia Healing Arts and on Facebook




Gedalia Genin

Ayurvedic Health Specialist

“transforming women’s emotional health using natural modalities”



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