Ayurvedic Tips and Reminders- Six Steps to Revitalize your Lymphatic System

Welcome to my weekly blog!

This blog is intended to inspire, educate and simplify the gems of Ayurveda breaking it down from a vast science to simple tips and reminders can that anyone can start NOW.

I shared last week I would start with “spirit” first in the body, mind, spirit continuum. I’ve learned over fifteen years of practicing in women’s health/wholeness  and in my own experience that by doing something that makes  spirit happy ie. dance, create, yoga, tai chi, be with uplifting family members, garden, enjoy a walk in nature, take pictures, spend time with our pets, go on a retreat, have lunch with a friend, meditate, chant,visit an art gallery, have a cup fo tea, you name it, that joy filters into the health of our bodies and mind. Not something we don’t already know, I’m referring to making it more conscious- like putting it in your calendar time. It is often true that women leave themselves last after kids, home and work to connect within on a soul level. However, we are living in a time where women are waking up to self-awareness and self-care realizing this model no longer works and that taking prescription drugs for depression is not the answer to emotional well-being ( more on that in my book). As we each take back our health, on all levels we are truly helping not only ourselves but  our families, neighbors, co-workers and beyond-  That’s how we CAN make a difference- Get Your Groove Back and own that power.

I enjoy watching you tubes on painting techniques. This past week I came across a  nine-year-old abstract artist, Aelita Andre, that has had her own shows in New York and Europe.  She’s almost like a reincarnated Master, a Kandinsky or Jackson Pollock- She is the youngest professional artist in the world.I was totally moved by the way she lets whatever she wants to do in the moment translate onto her canvas. She says “a spiritual force takes over me and I feel free”. She is truly splendid to watch. Whether you paint or not I feel as if she conveys so beautifully what being in the moment feels like through her ceremonial approach to art and color- from throwing, squeezing, and pouring paint, using paint trowels, spray bottles and sound she is totally inspiring.  She describes making art as something that makes her feel wonderful and amazing. Check it out;   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3C108WlIg-E

If only we were all allowed to play like that

When the mountains thaw the snow, and when the rain increases during Spring we call this a time of “kapha” in Ayurveda. Kapha means the accumulation of earth and water. So it is that what happens in nature takes place in our bodies- macrocosm, microcosm.. Hence, allergies, colds, congestion, constipation and even fatigue are signs that its time for Spring cleaning in the body. Whether you have those symptoms or not Ayurveda recommends cleaning out the sludge from winter during Spring so that we have more energy, clarity, and lightness of being. We’ve touched on this in previous blogs but today let’s focus on the lymphatic system which is the body’s garbage removal system. Simply put if we don’t take the garbage out it will just pile up and symptoms will remind us that our bodies need attention. The most common disease we know related to congested lymph is “lymphoma”, a cancer-related to the accumulation of toxins both environmental and from chemically treated food, prescription drugs, metals, unclean water, and environmentally sprayed chemicals.

Because lymph cleanses almost every cell in your body, symptoms of chronic lymph blockage range from worsened allergies and food sensitivities, frequent cold and flu infections, joint pain, headaches and migraines, menstrual cramps, arthritis, fibrocystic breasts, breast tenderness, sinusitis, loss of appetite and GI issues, muscle cramping, tissue swelling, fatigue, mental fuzziness, mood irregularities, depression, parasites, skin breakouts, acne, and cellulite. In general, you may feel fatigued and toxic, with a heaviness in your abdomen. In Chinese medicine, practitioners call this “excessive damp” that undermines your whole health. Ayurveda calls it accumulated “Kapha”.

Six Steps to stimulate the lymphatic system:

1.Exercise until you sweat! A “rebounder”( a type of trampoline) is ideal for stimulating the lymphatic system. I recently attended a trampoline class at  Pink Barre in Sandy Springs, Ga and highly recommend the studio for this unique class. http://The schedule can be seen at www.pbsandy.com Maureen the owner can get you started. Sitting in a sauna also cleans lymph as well as taking a brisk walk daily raising your heart rate and walking til you sweat.

2. Ayurveda recommends drinking “Tulsi” or Holy Basil tea- one cup daily. This powerhouse herb ( safe with any meds or supplements) supports lowering blood sugar and helps the lymphatic system to remove wastes. Statistics are rising in prediabetes( elevated blood sugar) so it’s a good idea to drink this tea daily. “Tulsi” also plays a key role in reducing stress and anxiety a precursor to a stuck lymphatic system.

3. Avoid wire bras as 85% of your lymph flows from the breast area through the armpits- My gynecologist Dr. Eva Arkin always says wear a sports bra when you can. Speaking of sports bras Lululemon has as new sports bra that does not squish your breasts which is the main problem for most of them.

here’s the link http://shop.lululemon.com/c/women-sports-bras/  I happen to be speaking about breast health this past weekend at an event they offered to an invited group of women testing their new bra. It’s called the “enlite bra”- absolutely fantastic- great support, no wires, and uplifting (lol).

4. Eat clean- avoid packaged and canned food especially metal cans and focus on the colors of the rainbow when preparing your meals. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet- all colors of the spectrum which hold unique vibratory energy from the sun. Some examples for Spring are beets, leeks, yellow squash, pomegranate juice diluted, arugula, spinach, cabbage ( red and green), sweet potatoes, mint, cilantro, parsley ( reduces swelling). The Ayurvedic herb “Kapha Digest” can be taken before meals to stimulate digestion and help remove excess kapha. This can be found at Centre Spring Spa or at Banyan Botanicals.

5. Marma- energy points along the front and back of the body similar to acupressure points. Incorporating just a few marma points can have profound effects on the liver and kidneys. The point between the base of the thumb and forefinger brings life to the liver and spleen as well as the general circulation. Steady pressure on either side of the Achilles tendon just below the level of the medial and lateral malleolus or ankle bones brings prana to the kidneys. Marma sessions are available with me at Centre Spring Spa in Brookhaven Tuesdays and Saturdays.

6. Deep belly breathing- more oxygen uptake better circulation. Simply hold your hand on your belly and as you inhale fill it with air like you are filling and air balloon- count to five then exhale through your nose to the count of five. Best done on an empty stomach morning and night ten times. If you’ve had Marma with me we always start this way with just a couple of deep breaths. Shallow breathing is often associated with a sluggish lymphatic system along with stress and anxiety. It can be a beautiful expression of gratitude to just connect with your breath- your life giving energy.

Reminder- this is a busy time of year with the end of year testing for kids, graduation, parties and those wonderful things. Take a moment to remember that this day will never come again, this night, this time, and let yourself feel the joy of all these special activities. Soon it will be over and the hecticness will come to a calm like the aftermath of a storm. You will soon have a peaceful morning!

Special Continues this Month

New Patient Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consult- New to Ayurveda or just want to reconnect? Spend 80 minutes and learn ways to practice Ayurveda specifically for your health needs. This session includes herbal, essential oil recommendations and a brief Marma experience. Tongue and pulse included. Bring your questions and share your stories. Reg $225 Now $175  Call 404-528-1483  Tuesday and Saturday appts- Spa closed Mondays.

Please “like” on facebook and share with friends and family.https://www.facebook.com/GedaliaHealingArts/ Follow me on Instagram at Gedalia Healing Arts for weekly  “flower notes”, art, and giveaways. Visit my art and flower gallery at http://8zq.e3b.mywebsitetransfer.com/ on the “about” page for more inspiration. Pinterest- Gedalia Genin has two Ayurveda boards for more info and a “Creativity” board.”

with warm regards and loving wishes to all of you incredible women,

with gratitude for allowing me to share my gifts with you,

