How Can we Navigate Eating Richer Food with our Often Delicate Digestion?

Dear friends,

These next few weeks will be filled with holiday parties- both with friends, family, office, book groups, meditation centers, religious groups bridge and mahjong friends, artists and more. At these events, we will most likely be eating more food than we normally do. That’s a fact. Let’s certainly not approach it with fret or guilt. Ayurveda recommends eating our food with joy, and inner tranquility not with anger, emotional upset or while driving. I’ve often spent many silent meals on yoga and meditation retreats and found it quite nurturing to simply be focused and aware while eating. Being present and aware is essential to Ayurveda’s eating ritual.

How can we navigate eating richer foods with our often delicate digestion?

Here’s an excerpt from my upcoming book GENIN_ENOUGHDRUGS!_FRCVR” Enough Drugs! I am A Woman And Can Heal Naturally- a practical guide to feeling your best,

which includes an essential tip appropriate for this season.

Excerpt from the chapter entitled; Nutrition- How Food Nourishes the Body and Spirit

” Scientists have found that rituals performed around food actually influence the way food is enjoyed, ” writes Catherine St. Louis and Vijay Singh, in The New York Times article ” Rituals Make Your Own Food More Flavorful”.” We all have our food rituals from splitting apart the oreo cookie to folding a slice of pizza”. ( skips to ).. It turns out that taking pleasure in food and receiving optimal nourishment from food, are linked. ( skips to…)

What are some simple ways we can shift our approach to how we eat so it is nourishing, fun and good for our digestion?

“Step One- Eat Slowly

The benefits of slow eating include better digestion, better hydration, greater weight loss or weight maintenance as well as more satisfaction. Eating quickly, however, contributes to poor digestion, increased weight gain and lower satisfaction. That about sums it up.”

( end book excerpt)

This doesn’t mean eat whatever you want as long as you eat slowly BUT it points to the idea that if you are eating foods that you normally don’t eat, chew them slowly with awareness and enjoy them fully!

I am so excited to share my book with women all over the world- to empower, inspire, and awaken the spark within.

Coming very soon ( like a  few days on Amazon ) for the holidays. Can’t wait to share it with you.

Upcoming Events- You are invited,

Wednesday, January 31st –

Centre Spring MD- 7pm  Book signing- food and refreshments-more details to follow

Sunday Feb 11th, 2018

Topaz Gallery  Buckhead- ” What Gemstones Should I use?  12pm-3pm – Raffle for FREE 30-minute gemstone consult with Gedalia  -more details to follow



