Eighteen Benefits of Self Massage/Abhyanga

Eighteen Benefits of Abhyanga according to Ayurveda According to Ayurveda, your life force (prana) flows through channels called nadis. Self-massage or “abhyanga” stimulates your energetic channels, promoting the easy flow of prana through your mind and body.As you massage your body, you’re promoting the flushing out of impurities and toxins through your skin. Sesame oil…

Seven Benefits of Power Napping

Power naps are great because you won’t experience any sluggish or drowsy feelings after waking. This is because you do not enter any deep sleep during this brief time. Research suggests, a brief, early-to-mid-afternoon nap provides the greatest rejuvenation when compared to naps at any other time of the day.How novel for us to think of a nap when there is so much to…

Four Ways to Clean Your Lymphatic System

Four Ways to Clean Your Lymphatic System End of winter, early Spring is an appropriate time to be thinking of detoxing according to Ayurvedic wisdom. The junction between seasons offers us an opportunity to reset our bodies for the coming season. Simply put, detoxification means cleansing the blood. This is done by removing impurities from the blood in the liver, where toxins…

Five Ways to Approach the Holidays with Intention

We are in the season of ” Vata” in Ayurveda. A time when warm, cooked foods feel nourishing and comforting. It makes sense and feels good. Warming spices such as ginger, black pepper, cinnamon, and cumin stoke the digestive fire and support our digestive juices. However, as the pre-holiday mode is here the increase of…

Four Ways to Enliven Your Chakras

Gedalia’s Weekly Holistic TipsFour Ways to Enliven Your Chakras Dear friends,Imagine looking in a mirror and seeing your whole body as a field of light and color? That would be a reflection of your “chakras” vibrating. According to quantum physics, everything in the universe is vibrating at a certain frequency. Thesefrequencies of energy in the…

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Eight Ways to Reduce Ama( toxins) in your Daily Life

Dear friends,Ayurveda teaches that ” ama” is a common pathology for ALL diseases! The word “ama” means toxins.I think we are all somewhat concerned about our toxic overload- from the health of our soil to the quality of the air we breathe to molds, heavy metals, and viruses it’s overwhelming.As I wrote about in the second article…

Four Main Benefits of Ashwagandha

Ayurveda’s Superfood- AshwagandhaFour Main Benefits Dear friends,Ayurveda’s superfood, ashwagandha is a medicinal herb with plenty of perks for your health. One of its main benefits is to assist the body in managing stress, mainly reducing cortisol levels and modulating energy levels. This herb is classified under the category of “adaptogens” – a group of herbs…