Oils for Different Things

Dear friends,

I feel it’s a good time to revisit the power of oils for their various health benefits and their unique properties.  In the summer we often forget the use of essential oils and other oils for our bodies but during Fall and Winter, we can approach the use of oils not only for dry skin but for things like viruses and cases of flu, stress relief, immune protection and pain relief.

here are a few oils for different things:

1. Mahanarayan oil:

  It can reduce inflammation and swelling. It is a natural pain killer relieving muscle and joint pain. It also helps to reduce stress and anxiety. It is used externally on muscles and joints.

2. Sandalwood:

Highly valued in Ayurveda for improving mental clarity. It is often used in meditation to calm the mind. It too has anti-inflammatory properties for pain conditions such as arthritis and muscle soreness. It can also enhance libido and mood as well as reduce muscle spasms.

3. Peppermint oil /Spearmint and Wintergreen:

The mint oils can help with respiratory ailments like coughs and colds. They also aid in digestive health. Placing a few drops of the oil along with a carrier oil ( sesame, jojoba, coconut oil) on your chest can both be preventative and soothing if your chest begins to hurt. Mint oils can help with headaches and muscle pain. Take caution you don’t rub your eyes or place near the eyes after application. Peppermint oil is a fever reducer. Place two to three drops with a carrier oil along the spine ( someone will need to do it for you).

4. Orange oil/ lemon oil

Citrus oils are known for their mood upliftment. They can help reduce feelings of depression and anxiety. They have amazing immune support benefits protecting against infection, bacteria and viruses. A great oil to diffuse in your home or office!

For those who know me, essential oils/ aromatherapy is my personal “love” when it comes to self-healing.

The word oil in Sanskrit is “Sneha” which also means “love”. This reflects the nurturing and loving qualities that oils bring to Ayurvedic treatments at home and in a Spa.

Follow your nose, you can’t go wrong!

However, there are specific approaches to using oils like getting high-quality oils. You can learn more about resources and applications in my book ” Enough Drugs! I am a Woman and Can Heal Naturally- a practical guide to feeling your best”  Available on Amazon.

( photo above was taken in India in a place that sold essential oils)

Please follow me on Instagram @ gedaliahealingarts
 I am happy to talk to anyone you feel would benefit from my services ( that’s everyone).

Thank you for reading.

with fierce love,