Four Benefits of Warm Oil Self Massage/Abhyanga

Dear friends, It’s not only holiday season, it’s dry skin season.It’s that time when your cuticles, bottom of the feet, back and shoulders, face, arms and the whole body seems drier. And especially now, with all the handwashing and sanitizing we do!  The cool air outdoors, the indoor heat and perhaps not hydrating with water…

Four Ways to Clean Your Lymphatic System

Four Ways to Clean Your Lymphatic System End of winter, early Spring is an appropriate time to be thinking of detoxing according to Ayurvedic wisdom. The junction between seasons offers us an opportunity to reset our bodies for the coming season. Simply put, detoxification means cleansing the blood. This is done by removing impurities from the blood in the liver, where toxins…

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Four Key Ways to Support Your Lymphatic System

Dear friends, “Detox” is the buzz word of this century in our well being culture, particularly during Spring. Basically, detoxification means cleansing the blood. This is done by removing impurities from the blood in the liver, where toxins are processed for elimination. From kitchari, to juices, to water fasts, drinking lemon water, dosing on turmeric, we get the point that we need…