Spring Break

Dear friends,

One day it’s cool and the next day warm. Not sure what to eat? If you are finding you don’t want to eat winter foods and are not yet ready for Spring foods here is something wholesome and in between. As nature has not yet warmed up the earth so it is in the belly; your tummy may not quite be ready for cold Spring salads. Packed with protein and vitamins “Kitchari” is a traditional Ayurvedic food that brings nourishment, detoxification as well as strength to the human body.

Mung Beans Nutrition & Its Big Benefits!
  • Mung beans are a high source of nutrients including manganese, potassium, magnesium, folate, copper, zinc and various B vitamins.
  • They are also a very filling food, high in protein, resistant starch, and dietary fiber.
  • According to modern research, it is one of the best sources of protein, easily digestible and also sweeps toxins out of the gut. They are also high in flavonoids.

Kitchari is made with anti-inflammatory spices such as cumin, coriander, and turmeric- not necessarily the ones we use every day in the American diet. You can eat it for one meal or up to a few days. Best to make fresh each day. You can find the recipe on my Instagram page @ gedaliahealingarts.  If you are nota cook kits are available @banyan botanicals  https://www.banyanbotanicals.com/   Locally( in Atlanta) you can purchase kitchari @ http://samafoodforbalance.com/


Image result for free picture of kitchari

A Plug for Meditation:

My husband David went for his annual physical at Emory. The doctor was amazed at his wonderful state of health for someone his age -59. In fact, he said he had not seen anyone like David in his practice who is in such a perfect state of health. My husband shared with the doc that he’s been meditating for the last 35 years. The doc replied, yes, there is evidence now that meditation can improve emotional health thereby affecting the physical body. (lol)

Isn’t it great that we live in a time where mind/body practices have clout? Having pioneered mind/body medicine for almost 37 years myself I have seen profound changes in my own health and well being. I feel strong, vibrant, alive, aware, intuitive, creative and less identified with the wounded person I was 35 years ago. At 62 I feel like I can start my life again with this renewed understanding and energy. As we each take small steps each day for our health and well being, just like a bank account these deposits accumulate over time and soon you can reach a place of inner wealth that is palpable. This has been my experience.

I invite you to listen to my three-minute meditation when you are someplace inside( not driving). By pressing the Pause button in your day you may find yourself more present, with more energy and with a renewed perspective. Like anything, the key is to put it on your calendar or at least have a mental intention as to when you can meditate.

Remember that meditation is not about efforting thoughts out of your mind but more a state of allowing and being.

here’s the link http://8zq.e3b.mywebsitetransfer.com/store/#!/~

warm regards,
