Ayurveda Tips and Reminders- Kick off with Summer Oils

Dear friends,


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Just the way nature provides foods for different seasons, essential oils from plants change up seasonally too. After all, they come from plants.

Being the nature of summer is “heat” known as “pitta” in Ayurveda we want to choose foods and oils that are more cooling by nature- makes sense!

Two summer foods that can easily cool you down are “cucumbers” and “coconut”. Hydrating with a fresh coconut- cracked to hold a straw is wonderfully refreshing- kids love it too. Whole Foods has coconuts in their juice section as well as at the Dekalb Farmers’ Market on Ponce.

Sweet foods which are cooling include rice and bread. Milk, butter and ghee are all cooling foods. Fully-ripe sweet juicy fruits like melons, cherries, grapes, pears and mangoes, and vegetables such as cucumber, broccoli, zucchini and asparagus are Pitta-pacifying. Minimize yogurt, sour cream, citrus fruits and spicy foods like cayenne. If you don’t drink homogenized milk you can check out the research on raw milk sold at farmers’ market. It’s full of enzymes. Goat’s milk can also be tolerated by lactose intolerant people sometimes- a slice of gaot cheese with fresh figs makes alovely summer breakfast- with millet/chia toast. I can always “muscle test” for any of these foods when you come in.

I enjoy thin slices of cucumber with sesame oil ( or toasted sesame oil), rice wine vinegar, honey dressing and sliced red onion.

Cooling essential oils

Peppermint and spearmint can literally wake up a tired mind and body leaving you feeling refreshed and uplifted. Always mix with a carrier oil when using mint oils- apply two drops with coconut or sweet almond oil on the back of the neck, wrists or feet. Rub your hands together and breathe it in. Diffusing them in your home or office works well. I recommend the ” Now” diffuser sold on Amazon.

Therapeutic grade or organic oils are best- you don’t want oils with fillers, alcohols, and preservatives in the same way you don’t want them in your food. Young Living and Nature’s Gifts are my favorite oils- Centre Spring Spa carries Nature’s Gifts a family owned business sourcing organic and wildcrafted oils.

Come and check out my new “Summer Roll on” that you can travel by plane, car or train with- use for the kids and easily refresh – at Centre Spring Spa available this Saturday.

Learn more at my upcoming class ” Ayurveda 101″and summer tips at Centre Spring MD Tuesday July 27th 7pm. Registration required- call now at 404-814-9808 or look out for the next newsletter or eblast if you are on the mailing list and you can register there. Fee $10.

Watch my three minute daily ritual here    https://youtu.be/HsN8qY39Ccg

Reminder, like a finely tuned instrument we easily get out of tune/balance from daily stress, sleep deprivation, overstimulation, worry, overthinking, political stress, fear, anxiety, working, overexercise, underexercise, overeating, undereating, grief, depression, loss. If it’s been awhile since you’ve received a Marma session I invite you back!

Renew, Refresh and Restore your energy- you deserve it.

here’s a recent testimonial:

Unlocking My Spiritual Side After Trauma

Having studied some Ayurveda and incorporated elements into my daily routine, I was particularly interested to try Marma Therapy. After being rear-ended and struggling to work through some of the mental trauma, I decided to see if Marma therapy could help me to find balance again and move forward from the emotional numbness that I was feeling. Gedalia has a wonderful sense of calm and reassurance about her, which was very nourishing and allowed me to open up. I came out of my first session with an energy and lightness that I hadn’t felt in a while, having experienced a profound sense of relaxation, but also a heightened sense of self and beyond. My breath was easy and unlabored as if a weight of emotion had been physically lifted. In subsequent sessions, I have felt my energy balance further to a point that I feel calm, but energized at the same time, and as though excess heat or cold has been able to re-distribute to a point of beneficial temperature regulation. I feel like I am able to get in touch with a spiritual side of myself that has been held back until now. The sessions have been invaluable.


I hope to see you soon. To schedule, a session call 404-814-9808 prompt #3 for the spa. My hours are Tuesdays 9-7pm and Saturdays 9-5pm.



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