A Few Essential Oils for the Fall Season
Dear friends,
Welcome to my weekly blog. Glad you are here.
The smell of dry leaves falling from the trees is unique to Fall.
There are other scents that can uplift, and bring harmony and balance to the body/mind during this season.
You may know or not know that I love essential oils, not only for their wonderful scents but how they can transform emotions and uplift the mind.
These are a few essential oils I recommend using during the Fall season.
1. Ylang Ylang- This oil is definitely a mood booster and call also alleviates anxiety and depression.
2. Sweet orange- Known to also reduce anxiety and depression with its refreshing qualities. Has high antioxidants and can be used in cancer prevention.
3. Vetiver- a grounding earthy oil, when applied to the feet can induce a sense of calm and relaxation.
Ways to apply:
Check out my book ” Enough Drugs- I Am A Woman And Can Heal Naturally- a practical guide to feeling your best”. In my book there is an entire chapter devoted to vibrational healing with a focus on essential oils.
1. Diffuse in a cool air mist diffuser for your home and office.
2.Add a few drops to your body massage oil such as sesame oil or jojoba oil and massage on the body.
3. Mix 3-4 drops with a carrier oil and apply to the chest, and behind ears. ( easy and quick).
4. Only use therapeutic grade oils which are high quality. A few companies I recommend are in my book.
I love to put a few cinnamon sticks, star anise, cloves and orange peels in a pot of water and boil to release the aromas!
Who doesn’t love the smell of cinnamon and cloves?
Play with the aromas you are drawn to. There is no right or wrong just the ones you choose.
Stay grounded, stay within.
with fierce love,