There seems to be lots of anxiety happening for women that I see. From stress with or without a husband, stress with their kids or jobs or just simply stress with life’s demands. From driving place to place, getting food prepared properly, to meeting one’s boss’s demands women are experiencing many different physical symptoms that are a result of stress.. For example, headaches, indigestion, dizziness and a knot in the stomach, to name just a few.
Here are some practical things to do to alleviate anxiety for the body:
Make a bath of 1/3 cup of ginger powder and baking soda in warm water. Soak for 20 minutes or so before bed.
Drink Tranquility Tea from the Ayurvedic Institute in Albuquerque
Use oil massage on the body( sesame for Vata) before showering in morning. Rub from bottom of feet upward to scalp vigorously front and back of body. Then shower. This coating of oil provides immune protection as well as a grounding feeling in the body. It’s marvelous.( one can add a few drops of organic lavendar or rose oil to this massage).
Bach flower remedy- rescue remedy- homeopathic remedy that brings calm in a gentle way. Can be used daily for several times. Carry in purse.
Take a gentle hatha yoga class and meditate.
Come for Marma energy healing sessions to balance the body, mind and spirit.
For the soul:
Reconnect or begin a craft like painting, clay, or jewelry making. I have found this to be KEY for women in their integration process to be making art in some form. Art has the power to heal , to bring joy to one’s life and a sense of value. It can create transformation!!
When I started learning energy healing and began meditation I was naturally drawn to painting and making art. This art – making is like alchemy. It is a place where the worries and story of one’s life disappears and the focus of art and color creates a distinct shift in how one feels. Blocking our creativity causes all kinds of physical symptoms such as lower back pain, headaches, depression, and the ones I mentioned above. So if you’ve been saying” I don’t have time” or ” I am not really good at it” but you feel pulled inside to want to do it.. just go for it!! I assure you you will be happy!
Ps. I never thought i would be selling my art!!
Gedaliah Genin Holistic Intuitive/ Energy Medicine ND.