Ayurvedic Tips and Reminders

Dear friends,

Throughout my entire life I have been interested in how various modalities such as sound, color, oils, essential oils, herbs can affect our body’s frequency. Therefore I work with these modalities to effect natural healing. Uitlizing these modalities I see great shifts in healing body, mind and spirit. I am often asked about the benefits of the tuning fork that I use as part of the Marma session.

Here are some benefits:

Grounds the breath and nervous system

Relaxes the body and energizes at the same time

Enhances breathing

Relieves body tension

Helps to facilitate yoga poses

Because your entire body is a listening device and  sound travels through bone, muscle  and tissue, the vibrating tuning fork can actually get to the deepest layer of tissue and affect change.

Every organ, cell, bone, tissue, and liquid of the body, and also the electromagnetic fields which surround the body (aura), has a healthy vibratory frequency. If we are not resonating with some part of ourselves or of our surroundings, we become dissonant and therefore unhealthy. Our naturally healthy frequency becomes a frequency that vibrates without harmony, creating illness.

Through the use of sound, and particularly our own voices, we can project the correct resonant frequency toward and into, any unhealthy part of ouselves, thus returning it to its normal frequency, and resulting in a HEALING. This occurs through sympathetic resonance when one vibrating object influences another vibrating or even stationary object, causing changes in its vibratory rate.

On my trip to India studying Ayurveda with Vasant Lad he invited a  famous tobbla player to play for us at our closing party for our six week visit. The tobbla player was famous in India and he had come to our evening clinic to get some relief from his bursitis shoulder pain. His pain did not allow him to play for some time. This caused him great stress as this was his vocation. After two marma sessions, a few oils and herbs he was able to play again!!.. so Vasant Lad invited him to our end of course party to play for all of us. When I took the picture of the tobbla player what appeared on my  camera was a colorful rainbow like a spread of color across the picture… this was amazing. It proved that what the camera was seeing were the vibrational frequencies which he was playing. I showed him and sent him a copy! We were all overjoyed.

Sound has the capacity to change form at the physical, etheric, emotional, and spiritual levels, and also all these levels simultaneously. That is why I use it… to allow you to heal on the deepest level!

Join me in exploring how specific SOUNDS can effect grief and loss at my upcoming class Sunday Nov 22 at the Conscious Living Center in Canton, Ga.

see www.gedaliahhealingarts.com to register for this event

I also invite you to visit  http://www.cymaticsconference.com/  Nov 5-8th here in Atl. Don’t miss out.. Steven Halpern will be there, Ty Bollinger cancer researcher utilizing natural methods will be a key note speaker and Montana Skies, an amazing duo of cello and guitar sounds will be playing over the weekend.

with warm regards,

Gedalia Genin Ph.D  Naturopath

Ayurvedic Health Specialist

“Specializing in transforming womens past and present emotional health utilizing natural modalities.”
