Ayurvedic Tips and Reminders/ Self Care During the Holidays

Dear friends,

Flower from G cropped and autofixed


Season’s Greetings!

The holiday season is upon us. This year flew. Stores are filled with glitzy decorations and an abundance of gifts to purchase. From makeup to kitchen gadgets,clothes, cars, jewelry and shoes, the signs of shopping for the holiday season are everywhere! The overstimulation due to increased traffic, loud sounds, bright lights and the pull to get the perfect gifts can be overwhelming to our already stimulated nervous systems. The joy and meaning can often get buried under  long lists of things to do.

Knowing oneself is at the core of Ayurveda. By staying aware and in self-care we can make small deposits each day toward optimal health and well-being. These small steps accumulate over time as we stay regular and engaged with our self-care practices.

Here are three tips for the holiday season:

  1. In your list of things to do, be SURE to include yourself. Schedule a massage, facial,healing time,manicure or dinner out with a girlfriend to remember you count!
  2. Notice when you begin to feel overwhelmed. Instead of moving to the next thing to do, pause. Have a cup of tea, take time out ( ten minutes) to put your feet up, or begin to breathe more deeply remembering the true meaning of the holidays. This practice of self-awareness is very useful in all aspects of mental and emotional health.
  3. This is the perfect time to begin a meditation practice. Even beginning with one minute a day then two minutes, then three etc. will allow your mind to unravel it’s thoughts little by little. Simply giving your mind room to just “be” with no judgment filters that benefit into your daily life. Don’t get discouraged. Just think of the thoughts like waves in the ocean. Ride each thought and eventually, it will find smooth water. Start by looking at the sky a tree or a flower and contemplate its beauty. Then close your eyes and connect with that peace already inside your being. It’s not hard unless you think it is.

Remember to stay hydrated . It’s easy to slack off on drinking water this time of year. Buy the liter size container and plan on drinking at least one a day.

You are warmly invited tomorrow to Centre Spring. Tuesday, Dec 6th for a talk on Holistic Approaches to Holiday Stress , Grief and Loss. You’ll get to color a mandala, listen to Tibetan bowls and meditate.

1407 Dresden drive Brookhaven 30319

7-8pm rsvp 404-814-9808 Bring your friends and family!

The poet-saint Rumi said,

Let yourself be silently drawn by the stronger pull of what you really love.
The wound is the place where the Light enters you.
Don’t grieve. Anything you lose comes round in another form.
with warm regards,
Gedalia Genin PhD
“transforming women’s emotional health using natural modalities”
( lotus painting by Gedalia @ www.artistsatelier.com)

Another upcoming Free Class: Holistic Approaches to Holiday Stress, Grief and Loss.You’ll get to color a mandala, listen to tibetan bowls and meditate.

Congregation Bet Haverim

Address: 2074 Lavista Rd, Atlanta, GA 30329

Sunday, Dec 18th 4-5:30pm

rsvp gedaliahdoc@gmail.com

*Please invite your friends to these events ( male or female). The intention is to help you get through the holidays more mindfully.

warm regards,

Gedalia Genin

“transforming women’s emotional health using natural modalities”.

( painting above by Gedalia)