Ayurvedic Tips and Reminders/ Political Stress?
Dear friends,
Welcome to my weekly blog!
We are approaching a big day for our country; the presidential election. So many issues face our country, from global warming, terrorism, and an unstable economy. We are all making a very important decision.
A report from Psychology Today states that 50% more people are seeking counseling for stress and anxiety conditions related to this election. Why is this stress different from other types? Mainly because our future and the future for our children’s country hold many unanswered questions at this point in time. This uncertainty creates fear, hopelessness, and anxiety with circumstances that don’t have definitive solutions.
So how can we approach the choice at hand from an Ayurvedic perspective?
Ayurveda looks at the “whole” rather than the just the symptoms that appear out of balance when it comes to holistic health. We can apply this view to making our candidate choice by asking ourselves; ” Who will be most present for the job?”
There is no right or wrong answer. It’s entirely personal.
In this way, we must look beyond all the chaos and commotion from the media and stand back to look at the whole picture. This will allow us to make a more “holistic” decision rather than get caught up in what could or could not be the truth.
I believe the good will prevail and hope you find the strength to carry on with your best self forward.
Upcoming Event – You are warmly invited to a
Free event at Centre Spring Tuesday Dec 6th 6-7pm Introduction to holistic practices that alleviate stress, anxiety, grief and loss. This will be an experiential class. Call to rsvp 404-814-9808 Space is limited.
with kind regards,
Gedalia Genin