Ayurvedic Tips and Reminders/Do you get a little depressed?

Dear friends,

Welcome to my weekly blog!

In Ayurveda, depression is not an isolated psychological phenomenon. Ayurveda looks at the whole person when addressing symptoms. The same headache in one person might require a different remedy in another depending on their lifestyle and overall health. A person with digestive issues might be having relationship anxiety in some form as an example. Stimulation such as exercise could benefit one person while resting and staying calm might be best for another.

Depression can manifest as anxiety, stress, lethargy, worthlessness, guilt, insomnia, fatigue and an empty feeling inside. From an energetic perspective de-pressed energy is something to look at. What is being de-pressed? Is it blocked creativity? Feeling like your art or creativity has no room in your life? Do you need to value your feminine self?meaning value what you offer to your family and husband even when it doesn’t seem worthy in today’s male driven society?Are you eating enough protein and complex carbs to maximize serotonin levels?Do you get enough sunshine/daylight?Are you connected with your purpose? Are you avoiding or denying something in any of your relationships?

The following are five general tips that have worked in my practice for women as well as in my experience to alleviate depression:

  1. Walk in nature briskly 30-45 minutes daily. This increase endorphins and overall circulation to the body and brain.
  2. Use the herbs ashwaganda and brahmi. Ashwaganda increases energy and protects the immune system while Brahmi improves cognitive function.( check with a professional before taking any herbs).
  3. Take time every day to do something you love ex. take pictures, make art, write or play music.
  4. Minimize internet and watching the news too frequently. Listen to your inner news for a few days without distractions.. it’s quite interesting and much less stressful.
  5. Do something kind for someone purposefully. When we get out of our own minds and story we tend to feel better.
  6. Lastly, meditate or spend time in silence for at least ten minutes. Deepak Chopra has a new app for meditation called”Ananda” which means bliss! Just imagine what bliss feels like for you.. do you even know?


Essential Oil for Depression


Lemon oil , from the citrus family is both uplifting and detoxifying. Depression according to ayurveda may be a sign of a necessary detox.

Apply two drops with a carrier oil such as sesame, jojoba, or sweet almond oil to the back of the neck several times daily Avoid direct sun with citrus oils.

Lentil Soup with Butternut Squash- Crockpot recipe ( less than ten minutes)

Put one cup of lentils in a crock pot. Add four cups of vegetable, chicken or bone broth. Add onion, a few fresh garlic cloves, 1/2 tsp cumin seeds, cumin, tumeric, coriander, braggs liquid aminos ( 1 tsp), a few tbsps of tomato sauce,

butternut squash ( one whole peeled and chopped)- you can buy already chopped.

Put on for three hours on high.. if liquid disappears add as needed or use as a stew with rice.

When you get home dinner is done. especially if you also make the rice in a rice cooker. Brown rice, basmati, or wild rice are great choices.

Upcoming Class

This is the season where memories of lost or loved ones surface. With the holidays approaching  we need to have tools to meet grief and loss.

Sound and color are two practices that mitigate these dark feelings.

Join me at Plum Tree Yoga in Roswell Sunday oct 30 12-3pm Bring your friends and family; men ok.

This is an experiential class that serves as a platform to “transform” grief and loss. Marma demo included.

Address: 1055 Canton St # 200, Roswell, GA 30075
https://www.plumtreeyoga.com/product-category/workshops/  link to register
Hope to see you there!