Ayurvedic Tips and Reminders

It’s exciting to know that Atlanta is getting on board with Ayurveda! And YOU have been the first here to experience it! Thank you for all your support these past few years!

Simply Buckhead magazine writer Alexa Lampasona  wrote the following article about Holiday Stress after her recent Marma session. I’m sharing the  link with you ..

http://simplybuckhead.com/current-issue-3/ pg 46

For your holiday”bucket list” ( a phrase I am hearing a lot); I invite you to take time to nurture Your-Self ; to be inspired with the true joy and enthusiasm that comes from within. You’ll have a wealth of energy and love to share! I will be offering Marma sessions at ACHIM  on an additional day this month.. MONDAY NOV24th.. Hope to see you soon! And bring your children too!

I’d  also like to share some Nature photos with you allowing Fall to reveal it’s unique messages from my perspective;

“Be Colorful………….Embrace Change……….and don’t get too attached to Any-Thing!”

As Deepak Chopra said   ” Our biological systems are the symphony of the whole universe”..

May the fall season bestow it’s magnificence upon you!





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