Get Your Groove Back




Why live a holistic lifestyle? For starters, it’s more fun than feeling enslaved to prescription drugs. As a result of holistic living, one may feel more joy, vitality and even personal growth. Simple daily practices of self-care and self-awareness can increase self-esteem, confidence, and strength.One recent client said that after turning from four prescription drugs to a holistic lifestyle she felt more ” hope” in her life. A holistic lifestyle is based on the premise that the body can heal given the right food, and the environment- the “terrain” is what matters. By living close to nature and in respect for nature our daily habits make a difference. We are a long ways from Louis Pasteur’s germ theory and we are in the throws of Epigenetic science where our biology is directly affected by our thoughts, beliefs, and habits. So you have the power to change your health on all levels every day and even moment to moment by what you think, feel, and what goes in your body.You CAN get your groove back!

Essential Oil Tip

With almost 60 million Americans undiagnosed for hypothyroidism (sluggish thyroid- translating to weight gain) and 12 million Americans taking thyroid medications because of fatigue, sluggish digestion, depression and more why not turn to nature’s gifts- essential oils for some support.
Try Frankincense- use therapeutic grade oils or organic- take two to three drops mixed with a carrier oil such as coconut, jojoba or sweet almond and apply directly to the thyroid ( your neck area front and back).
The benefits are tremendous: Boosts immune system, acts as a carminative by reducing anxiety, improves digestion and metabolism and can help with chemotherapy side effects.

The photo is a roll on I created for the summer season- you may purchase at” target=”_blank” style=”mso-line-height-rule: exactly;-ms-text-size-adjust: 100%;-webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%;color: #00ADD8;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;”>

Don’t miss the Warhol exhibit at the High Museum- there’s so much more that he did that I was not aware of- like this butterfly- part of a series.

Sama- Food For Balance has opened in Buckhead- soft opening with drinks and espresso – an Ayurvedic food approach. I had the “ojas” juice and my husband had the turmeric matcha tea- very beautiful space too. The grand opening will be on September 21. Check it out. Located at 56 East Andrews.

( picture was created with procreate App)

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