Six Week Ayurvedic Study Program in India with Dr. Vasant Lad

I just returned from a six week Ayurvedic study program in Pune, India with world renown Ayurvedic physician Dr. Vasant Lad, founder of the Ayurvedic Institute. What a marvelous pilgrimage it was! I am very grateful to be a custodian of ancient knowledge so highly applicable to enhance our daily lives today.

Here’s what I can share with you :
Just-returned-from-Ayurvedic-study-program-in-India-with-picture-dg-modified1- Marma Therapy- In a clinical Ayurvedic setting, every patient received Marma as part of their protocol to relieve any kind of pain( including anxiety and depression), boost overall energy and “ turn on” the body’s inner healing pharmacy. Dis-ease is caused by blockages of energy—Marma releases the pathways to better health and well being on all levels! It unblocks stagnant energy mentally, emotionally and physically. I have been offering Marma for several years but was grateful to learn how valueable it is to everyone.

2-We can  explore improving digestion or “enhancing Agni”, digestive fire- which is most essential for good health on all levels of our being. What we eat affects not only our body but our minds. Our perception of daily life greatly depends on our “agni”—how we digest life itself .. our perception and focus.

3- Tongue evaluation and pulse evaluation- Know your body /mind type according to ayurveda- Know best daily rituals for your type.

4–Recommendations of herbal remedies through Ayurveda.

5–Meditation and breathing to improve relationships and bring happiness. Just as we wash our clothes a few times a week; we also need to wash the debris from our minds clouding our vision of who we are and our purpose. Learn to meditate and breath consciously. Marma therapy also has the ability to change one’s perception. ( see testimonials).

I invite you to start by scheduling an Introductory appt!

Call 404-814-9808 to schedule your appt!

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