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Three Qualities of Feminine Power

Dear friends,

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If you’ve watched the Royal wedding you’ve witnessed a feminine beauty that comes from the inside out. For some, it’s about the glitz and glamour ( nothing wrong with that at all and fun to witness, yes be rich and philanthropic) but from a bigger picture, there was love and connection. We certainly need more of that modeled, especially a man being so candid about his feelings and a woman so receptive and poised you could feel her presence in each of those incredible moments. Although Meghan Markle is beautiful on the outside, dresses with elegance and is posture perfect there is a radiance that flows from her being that does not depend on the crown she wore. That’s how I felt. Her, beauty exudes from the confidence she feels as a woman, her voice in the world ( before Harry) the causes she supports and the love that’s in her heart. (Not to say that her clothes are not simply gorgeous- an inspiration for us all to be true to our own style.)

There’s a way in which a woman holds herself and values her path that exudes an inner peace and glow that is unmistakably “feminine”. When you see it you know it because it is in you as well. It lights up your being, it inspires and awakens that place of inner knowing that has always been and always be there. It’s not because of royalty, it’s not because we found the perfect man, it’s the crown jewel of our own being and true nature that ignites and awakens our own inner princess. Ps. None of us have gotten there without tears of sorrow, losses and grief, strides and struggles; not even Meghan. If you play victim you lose your power if you play strong you’re willing to stay in your power no matter what!

A flower does not force its beauty, it simply unfolds ( and in the perfect time and season).

These are three qualities of feminine power:

  1. It is not external. It is sourced in relationship. Spending time in nature allows one to see this divine principle. A tree does not stand alone without feeding its roots, the grass that surrounds it or the sunshine that makes it grow. Isolation and loneliness can cause ill mental and physical health. “In fact, evidence has been growing that when our need for social relationships is not met, we fall apart mentally and even physically. There are effects on the brain and on the body. Some effects work subtly, through the exposure of multiple body systems to excess amounts of stresshormones. Yet the effects are distinct enough to be measured over time, so that unmet social needs take a serious toll on health, eroding our arteries, creating high blood pressure, and even undermining learning and memory.”- quoted from Psychology today article https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/articles/200307/the-dangers-loneliness. Spark a new hobby, join a book club, volunteer at a children’s hospital or in the theatre. Movement is one of the qualities of the feminine. Reread ” The Joy Of Movement” Chapter in Gedalia’s book “Enough Drugs- I am A Woman And Can heal Naturally- a practical guide to feeling your best.”https://www.amazon.com/Enough-Drugs-Woman-Heal-Naturally/dp/0692811613/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1512947734&sr=8-2&keywords=enough+
  2. Cultivating a new way of relating to yourself. Healing means accepting and being with All parts of yourself. One of the reasons we are in a major drug crisis( opioid) is because people don’t want to face their pain. Allow your pain to move you to what it is your soul is longing for. Is it expression? writing? dancing? change of career path? Create partnerships, check out the place you’ve always wanted to live in and see what others are doing there. A friend who recently left her corporate job decided to go to Calif. and volunteer at a retreat to see if the area and people were a place she’d want to relocate to. Be creative, no one is judging or measuring your steps unless you are.
  3. Connect with your non- physical self. One way is to sit in meditation daily and experience your essence, inner guidance and open vessel. In this kabbalistic description of how God created the world,http://www.hebrew4christians.com/Articles/kabbalah/Creation/creation.html, we learn that as the One light shattered it divided itself into multiple others. As a “vessel’ for this energy, our human life invites us to find the inner light through self-awareness.

This does not have to do with religion or duality.

In the article https://www.huffingtonpost.com/natasha-dern/feminine-power-mystical-r_b_352291.html “Every time a woman says ‘This is unacceptable’ to her lovers, friends, and family, she helps to straighten out the fabric of her being and that of the collective. We are the teachers and mediators of the light. This light is our natural state of being and we must return to our point of origin if we wish to live with love, purpose, and meaning. As women, we must learn to rely on ourselves for all the things we currently want from others. When we are at the mercy of other people for our worth and value, we lose power. When I speak of power, I do not mean forfeiting our femininity to become men. Many women reject their power because they believe they need to act like men. Authentic power is about cultivating your innate divine qualities that affirm your life, your identity, and your well-being.

You shine naturally when you’re aligned with your divine femininity and all who cross your path sense this Mystical Radiance.”

There are still people today who live in Atlanta as survivors of the atrocities of the Nazi camps. They held on strong to the light in their hearts and somehow have found meaning. What is that somehow? That’s the path.

with fierce love,
