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Self Care for the Lungs Naturally

Dear friends, Let’s explore how eastern medicine views the lungs and it’s care. Being that Covid 19 attacks the respiratory system I thought it apt to share with you some ways to support the lungs naturally. Chinese medicine sees the lungs as the organ of sadness and grief. In Ayurveda, the lungs are the elements of “kapha”…

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Five Uses of Ylang-Ylang

Dear friends, There are times when I flock toward a particular essential oil and wear it consistently. Do you?I just follow my nose. The past few weeks it’s been the essential oil Ylang Ylang. It has an exotic smell that I find intriguing. Chanel No5 uses this oil in their formula…so I discovered. Theirs is…

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Eight Daily Rituals in an Ayurvedic Day

Dear friends, Welcome! Regularity is necessary to bring about change in body, mindand consciousness. A daily routine helps to establish balance inone’s constitution.However for most of us having a rigid schedule is not appealing. Rather than think of the following suggestions as ” have to’s” consider them to be daily rituals that will enhance the…

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Essential Oils for Emotional Support

Dear friends, Essential oils can quickly enter the bloodstream through the skin and with aromatherapy- inhalation. Essential oils affect the ‘limbic’ part of the brain which connects to emotions and hormones. They are truly nature’s gifts. Simply taking a moment to “pause” can shift your awareness to being present and to the breath. Those moments…

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Five Tips for A Healthy Immune System

Dear friends, With the cool weather upon us, I thought I would reshare an article I wrote that was published in the Atl Jewish Times- Five Tips to a Healthy Immune System. Whether you opt for the flu shot or not these five tips are simple self-care practices that you can easily incorporate into your daily life. http://atlantajewishtimes.timesofisrael.com/5-tips-for-a-healthy-immune-system/…

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Thoughts on Truth

Dear friends, The topic of “truth” has been playing out in our outer world.  I am certain each of us has a response. Ayurveda teaches that what takes place in the macrocosm goes on in the microcosm. While contemplating “truth” these words came up for me. I thought I’d share. Truth begins with the words you…

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Twelve Essential Breast Cancer Prevention Tips from Ayurveda

Dear friends, The goal of Ayurveda is to promote a balance of spiritual, psychological and physical health.  It is a myth to think of Ayurveda as a religion or religious practice of any kind. Ayurveda is the world’s oldest holistic science and is helpful to us today to understand the causes of high rates of…

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Experience Inner Peace Wherever You Are

Dear friends, To discover Ayurvedic Tips on staying cool read my recent article here BALANCED PITTA. Please share the article with anyone who you feel could benefit! I appreciate your support in growing awareness of self healing with others. This is how I believe we can participate in changing our world- by healing ourselves and…

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Three CBD Oil Facts

Dear friends,   As a big fan of plants for healing purposes, I decided to try using CBD oil ( cannabis oil). I’d recently visited a specialized gynecologist for slight inflammation in my bladder ( a common symptom postmenopausal). Her suggestion, ” we can always inject steroids into your bladder”. My answer, a resounding “no…

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Three Qualities of Feminine Power

Dear friends, If you’ve watched the Royal wedding you’ve witnessed a feminine beauty that comes from the inside out. For some, it’s about the glitz and glamour ( nothing wrong with that at all and fun to witness, yes be rich and philanthropic) but from a bigger picture, there was love and connection. We certainly…