Ayurvedic Tips and Reminders

 Dear friends,
Splashing coconut stock photo
I am asked all the time.. “how did you get started with what you do?”  Here’s my story in a nutshell…
When I began meditating and practicing yoga in 1990, I was naturally drawn to the healing arts and painting.
Through studying and working with color as I painted, many of my childhood wounds both emotional and physical slowly began to heal. I began to have more energy and joy in my life. I even changed my name to a name I received in a dream; Gedalia. I began studying and practicing Ayurveda, energy healing, oils, herbs, gemstones, sound and anything related to vibrational healing. I traveled to New Mexico and India to study with enlightened teachers in the field of energy medicine and Ayurveda.I even received a PHD in Naturopathy to give my work more credibility.  As I continued these practices for myself and my family , using natural modalities for healing and transformation I was drawn to serve other women. What became even more apparent as I worked with these modalities was my gift as an intuitive which I also developed in a three year program in San Diego practicing and studying  the human energy field and consciousness.Whew…
Today, I have a unique healing practice  working within an integrative medical group as an Ayurvedic Health Specialist/ Holistic Intuitive where I serve women transforming their emotional health using natural modalities. I love seeing women transform!
Even more wonderous is that I became part of a group of artists on Miami Circle known as Artists Atelier where I currently have a show. http://www.artistsatelier.com/
It is my intention to inspire women to reconnect with themselves and their creativity to complete their whole health picture whether it’s dance, writing, jewelry making, exercising, singing or just having some rest time. Self awareness is at the heart of what I teach.
I am very thankful to have a partner/husband/soul mate who has supported me through everything I did. My children even came with me on some of my study trips when they were younger and imbibed an appreciation for nature and life.
You may be asking how is this an Ayurvedic Tip and Reminder?
In Ayurveda, health means connecting with the inner self; the nectar within. I like the image of a coconut; hard shell but with milk inside. The daily practices of Ayurveda help you gain access to that which is already within. From that place there is authenticity, creativity,service and hope and as women we CAN change ourselves and the world!!
You are invited to my upcoming class@
Atl Ctr For Holistic Medicine
1401 Dresden Drive  Brookhaven
Tues. Feb 9th 7pm
“What do the Chakras have to do with my health?- In this class you will learn about the energy body vs. the physical body; the colors and attributes of the chakras.There will be a Marma demonstration.
Please invite your friends and family  To reserve your spot email  ally@atlantaholisticmedicine.com
To view my current show go to http://www.artistatelier.com