Ayurveda and Breast Health

Ayurveda and Breast Health

The goal of Ayurveda is to promote balance of spiritual, psychological and physical
Ayurveda is the world’s oldest holistic science and is helpful today to understand
the causes of high rates of abnormal cancerous cellular changes in the American
female population.
According to Ayurveda:
-the precursor for breast imbalances is the accumulation of “ama” or toxins in the
breast tissue, which over time become lodged and stagnated.
-Nutritional risk factors can be found due to synthetic hormones used in the meat
and dairy industry, chemical pesticides used in agriculture, chlorinated water,
preservatives in packaged foods, birth control, hormone replacement, white sugar,
aluminum products, soda containers and more.
– The suppression of grief, sadness, stress, feelings of isolation, lack of purpose,
the use of underwire bras are just some of the main contributors to imbalances in
breast health.
Here are some recommendations for breast cancer prevention in Ayurveda:
1. Consider taking iodine 3-mgs per day. Food sources are kelp and sea vegetables. Iodine
in Ayurveda is a natural antiseptic for the blood warding off infection.
Standard process Promaline Iodine is a good source. Sea vegetables and kelp
can be added to the diet. Check with your integrative doctor or health practitioner before taking supplements.

  2. Understand your unique mind/body type and cultivate a lifestyle that is
appropriate for your needs- no two people are the same in Ayurveda.
3. Avoid underwire bras as they constrict lymphatic flow.
4. Massage breasts daily with warm sesame oil .Traditionally used in Ayurvedic massage, sesame is a wonderful well-rounded oil that’s suitable for everyone (or all doshas, in Ayurvedic practice). It’s high in essential fatty acids, providing deep moisturizing nourishment, and has anti-inflammatory properties.

5 .Exercise regularly – moderate exercise helps to balance hormones and
cleanse body of accumulated toxins
6. Include foods like soups, Dahl’s, mustard greens, ginger, quinoa and black
7. Drink dandelion and fennel tea.
8. Consider using the herb shatavari which helps prevent toxic build up around the
Take “triphala” daily to help remove toxins. Banyan Botanicals is a good source for
Ayurvedic supplements.https://www.banyanbotanicals.com/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwvIT5BRCqARIsAAwwD-SBxrVBG9k_inYRMFOc8VRumLI2N_BOHWSdzsFV73cGFlyH_Y-iPLIaAthbEALw_wcB
9. Avoid foods that create toxins in the body such as leftovers, frozen foods, fried greasy foods, soy, trans fats,hydrogenated oils; eating late at night, overeating, rushing eating, poor food combining, eating foods out of season.
10. The breast area is the home of the” heart chakra”. Being kind to oneself, self love and forgiveness, compassion, strength, healthy boundaries ( giving and receiving) are all qualities of this energy center.
Notice ways you may be trying to be “perfect’ or feel “enough”. Know you are enough, worthy and deserving of your highest intentions. If you have to repeat it to yourself every day go ahead.
11. Include daily meditation and prayer to soften the heart’s accumulation of sad and unwanted memories. Include a ceremony in your daily ritual either with a candle or at a lake or pond or even toward the sky to let go of hurts, pain and suffering asking the elements for support. Especially now in these times of rapid change on this planet, ceremonies can be a sacred entryway into deepening our connection to ourselves and to others. Ceremonies can be done with any intention. Be creative and simple about it.