Hydration and Ayurveda
Here we are in a collective heat wave. Climate change is affecting everyone.
Proper hydration is essential for overall health, and Ayurveda offers some valuable guidelines.
Here are a few tips to help you hydrate properly with an Ayurvedic approach.
1. Drink for your body type:
Ayurveda views the physiology in three dosha or energy types:
Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.
You can adjust your water intake based on your dosha:
Vata types: 8- 10 cups daily
Pittas types: 6-7 cups daily
Kapha types: 5-6 cups daily
Please take a look at your environment and the season as well. For example, a kapha individual in a hot dry climate may need more water than during a cool, damp season.
2. Start your day with warm water:
Upon waking drink 8-16 ounces of warm water.
The benefits :
Hydrates your body after sleep
Promotes healthy bowels
Awakens the digestive fire ( agni) and vital organs
Flushes toxins from the system
3. Avoid ice-cold beverages:
Cold drinks can disrupt digestion in Ayurveda. Aim for room and warm-temperature liquids.
4. Avoid liquids before, during, and after meals:
Consuming liquid before or after eating can negatively impact digestion and can even lead to obesity.
These guidelines are general. Always listen to your body and adjust accordingly.
Stay hydrated and nourished as we navigate this heat wave!
To learn more about your dosha and individual needs go to
http://www.gedaliahealingarts.com and discover the personalized sessions I offer.