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Seven Ayurvedic Tips to Beat the Winter Blahs

Dear friends,

Ayurveda, an integrative and preventative healing science dating back 3,000 to 5,000 years, teaches us that our bodies are composed of a combination of the elements: Ether, Air, Fire Water, and Earth. Any imbalance in these elements can cause disturbances in our health and well-being. Being in harmony with nature both within and without is at the core of Ayurvedic's anti-aging and preventative lifestyle approach.
Winter with it’s long dark days, cold and windy weather can cause heaviness in the mind and body leading to feelings of depression and general "blahs”. Winter colds, flu, and sinus congestion may lead to depression, lethargy and apathy. These are just a few of the body/mind experiences of this season.

I offer you the following seven five tips from Ayurveda to beat the “winter blahs”:
1. Avoid cold, raw or dry foods, as the body craves more moisture and density in winter. Try eating mostly heavier cooked foods, such as hearty soups and stews, using pungent spices such as cinnamon, mustard seed, pepper, and cayenne. Avoid dairy, sweet and oily foods as they cause congestion. One of my favorite products for chai tea, turmeric milk are found here https://www.restoresimply.com/
2. Peppermint, eucalyptus, cinnamon and ginger are wonderful scents to stimulate dormant energy. You may diffuse these essential oils in your home or office to bring clarity, focus, and energy. A cool mist diffuse is preferred over heat using distilled water in the diffuser.
3. Keep your home well lit with natural light bulbs including keeping a fireplace lit when home. This will ease mental inertia.
4. Specific yoga poses and pranayama( breathing exercises) also can help to bring a bit of joy. Inversions in particular and backbends elevate energy and change perspective.  Heated and flow yoga is good to increase the fire within.  Kapalabhati, or breath of fire, immediately invigorates the mind, body, and spirit. Not sure how to do pranayama, check out youtube with Dr. Vasant Lad.
5. Lubricating the sinuses with” nasya oil” prevents bacteria from invading. Nasya oil is a blend of sesame, eucalyptus with other anti-bacterial herbs. Put 3-4 drops in each nostril upon waking. You can purchase Nasya oil at the Ayurvedic Inst Albuquerque.https://www.ayurveda.com/ You can also find quality essential oils on this site. Some of my favorite products are here including "Deep Love"- a tincture that enhances self-love and compassion.
 6. Massaging your body with oil such as sesame, jojoba, or sweet almond oil will keep your skin hydrated and your immune system protected. This practice is known as "abhyanga" in Ayurveda. For more details when not to do self-massage read here https://www.banyanbotanicals.com/info/blog-the-banyan-insight/details/when-to-not-do-abhyanga-and-why/
One of my favorite Ayurvedic spas to visit in New York's SoHo when I travel is https://www.pratimaskincare.com/. You'll find body oils and skin care all formulated by Ayurvedic doctor Pratima with the utmost care for quality. The turmeric eye cream and rose moisturizer are wonderful.
7. Might be time to experiment with a new dance class, art class, or writing adventure you always wanted to begin. The recent full moon eclipse offers us untold opportunities to let go of old patterns and recharge with that Leo fire into strength, courage, and conviction. Learn more here https://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-7531/full-moon-harness-the-energy-make-it-work-for-you.html

Of course, as always, recharging your sacred energy with a Marma session brings profound results!! And did you know Marma therapy is anti-aging? Yes, Marma rejuvenates the skin, increases cellular communication and rejuvenation while increasing energy and vitality.  Women tell me of their insights, chakra experiences such as seeing a lotus or heart and even start to experience less pain and fatigue.

Soon I will be speaking with premed Emory students about the practice of Marma. We've come along way. Thank you for pioneering with me!!!

Gedalia's current schedule:

1.In-home visits with the second hour on " how to create a sacred space for meditation", " learn to meditate", " gemstones, colors for the home, essential oils.
2. Tuesday sessions in Decatur at Revive Atl MD- Saturday options as well.

3. Wednesday afternoons at Sama Buckhead

4.Friday afternoons beginning Feb. 2019 at Plumtree Yoga, Roswell.

Please Call or email me for appts please  gedaliagenin@gmail.com
Follow me on Instagram @ Gedaliahealingarts
