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A Couple of Ways to Ground the Energy of Fall- Surrender

Dear friends, Welcome to my weekly blog. Glad you are here. The word surrender comes to my mind as I feel into the energy of Autumn. As the leaves surrender their attachment to the trees, I ask myself ” how can I better align and what do I need to let go of”. I was…

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Self Care for the Lungs Naturally

Dear friends, Let’s explore how eastern medicine views the lungs and it’s care. Being that Covid 19 attacks the respiratory system I thought it apt to share with you some ways to support the lungs naturally. Chinese medicine sees the lungs as the organ of sadness and grief. In Ayurveda, the lungs are the elements of “kapha”…

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Five Ways to Approach Food In Ayurveda

Five Ways to Approach Food in Ayurveda What makes an Ayurvedic diet different from other diets? After all, Ayurveda  originated five thousand years ago so it’s definitely not a fad; here today gone tomorrow approach. We are all familiar with some of those and perhaps have tried a few over the years.Ayurveda’s approach is consistent…

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Eight Ways to Reduce Ama( toxins) in your Daily Life

Dear friends,Ayurveda teaches that ” ama” is a common pathology for ALL diseases! The word “ama” means toxins.I think we are all somewhat concerned about our toxic overload- from the health of our soil to the quality of the air we breathe to molds, heavy metals, and viruses it’s overwhelming.As I wrote about in the second article…

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Three Ayurvedic Travel Tips

Dear friends, While we love to travel and explore during summer or spend time with family, there are few common discomforts that occur as a result. You may experience jetlag, dehydration, insomnia or other related symptoms. Ayurveda offers simple tips to maximize your travel pleasures.These are “three Ayurvedic travel tips”: 1.  Try an oil massage. The concept of…

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Four Reasons Laying on Of Stones Helps Women Heal

Dear friends, In the midst of a patriarchal chaotic upheaval, women are returning to ancient healing modalities to find healing and wholeness, strength and hope, faith and purpose. From acupuncture, shiatsu, Ayurveda, polarity therapy, Marma, essential oils, herbs, vitamins and meditation, holistic self care is on the rise. A return to these earth based practices…

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Four Key Ways to Support Your Lymphatic System

Dear friends, “Detox” is the buzz word of this century in our well being culture, particularly during Spring. Basically, detoxification means cleansing the blood. This is done by removing impurities from the blood in the liver, where toxins are processed for elimination. From kitchari, to juices, to water fasts, drinking lemon water, dosing on turmeric, we get the point that we need…

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Eight Daily Rituals in an Ayurvedic Day

Dear friends, Welcome! Regularity is necessary to bring about change in body, mindand consciousness. A daily routine helps to establish balance inone’s constitution.However for most of us having a rigid schedule is not appealing. Rather than think of the following suggestions as ” have to’s” consider them to be daily rituals that will enhance the…