The Power of Words

Dear friends,

The power of mantras (from last week’s blog) is really the power of words. Your words also have a vibration. I’m beginning to become insightful about the power of my words as they create certain perceptions!
At the same time, I find Sandra Ingerman, world reknowned shaman writing about this in her monthly blog as well as Mandara Cromwell- owner of Cymatics ( sound) devices posting about this. I’m paying more attention to this and I invite you too as well.
It’s easy to look at physical realities and find dissatisfaction with one thing or another. These thoughts can take you into a nosedive of emotions such as grief, despair, hopelessness and even deprssion. ( I’m simplifying here). And it’s ok when that happens is what I’ve come to understand because it’s life. I’m not speaking of denial here – at all.
But what is of importance is to become ” aware” of the thoughts, the words and the beliefs that get you there. You can say “well he or she did this to me”, or look at my hardships why shouldn’t I be depressed? There will always be ” feelings” but what I am saying is to try to move the needle, compass or whatever it is toward your inner well being after you feel your feelings. Words of appreciation about yourself; not self criticism. Words of appreciation about anything. When I found that most hard I just focused on my “heartbeat”.
It’s a decision you make for yourself. If complaining about your spouse or kids is what you speak about then you will feel bad no doubt. And I’m not indicating that there isn’t validation to it. But ultimately we have to sit with ourselves; the words we speak to ourselves, to others and in our hearts.

This is only if you choose to live an awakened life, not a victim life. This is if you choose you honor yourself. Feel everything, include everything, honor yourself and keep moving toward high vibrations such as love and gratitude. I’m not speaking about denial, I’m not speaking about not feeling grief. Ultimately what keeps us “unstuck” is a perspective.
It sure feels better and it takes some practice. I have discovered the words I speak shape my reality and future. Gosh I wish I understood this sooner.
further reading about this

with fierce love,

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