Pune Pilgrimage

Just celebrated  “Diwali” here.. the festival of lights. Lights everywhere.. rongolis ( sand art) on the streets and firecrackers all through the night.. so Happy Vedic New Year!! We all went to our teacher’s home for an amazing “laxmi puja” on Diwali after we came back from the farm. What a special experience.. I will…

Pune continued

The farm days are my favorite here so far. Just riding out in a bus from the city to the country is a thrill since pollution and traffic in Pune is quite on the up and up. The greenery and open land is a joy to see. On the way out of the city we…

Pune Pilgrimage

Greetings  from India, It’s 4:50 am..  Sat. Nov 3rd..not a sound or a light outside. My body still adjusting to the time zone change. Weather  somewhat cooled off from the rain yesterday 70’s or so. Hotel Swaroop is the location on Prabat Road- pretty central to many places in Pune. Breakfast starts at 8am.. laidback compared…

Finding Balance

In a very distracted world here are some simple ways to regain balance: * Create time during the day to sit in nature. Like finding a local park and sitting on a bench just being. (shut phone off)! *Before showering, rub oil vigorously on the body, starting with the feet and moving in upward strokes…


There seems to be lots of anxiety happening for women that I see. From stress with or without a husband, stress with their kids or jobs or just simply stress with life’s demands. From driving place to place, getting food prepared properly, to meeting one’s boss’s demands women are experiencing many  different physical symptoms  that are a…

Play Safe

Summer is the season for playing, traveling and sunshine. Fun is so important for overall health and well being. But we need to take precautions and be safe during this intensely hot sunny time for our bodies,; internally and externally. Internally cooling our insides with some “aloe vera juice” , whole leaf,is a prime solution for…

Healing with Energy

Dr. Mehemet Oz, a noted NY surgeon and health care advocate, sited energy medicine as the medicine of the future. Quoting from Dr. Oz, ” The reason I’m so excited and passionate about alternative medicine is because it is the globalization of medicine”. Dr. Oz noted, “Alternative medicines, deals with the body’s energy, something that traditional…

Daily Massage

In Ayurveda one of the most important daily practices you can do to activate your inner pharmacy and support the anti ageing process is self daily massage  called ABHYANGA. This is a beautiful practice as it also connects one to the sacredness of his or her own body. Best to do it in the morning…